Using Mobile Devices to Inspect Solar Panel Installations

Proper inspection for modern technology is vital; new tech requires thorough management. To ensure that solar panel installations are properly set up and functioning like they should, businesses are commonly choosing paperless inspection solutions Paper checklists are often out-of-date and slow to complete and process in comparison to their electronic successor. Using swathes of paper…

Improving Paperless Safety Inspection with ISO 45001

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has developed a new standard, ISO 45001 “Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – Requirements” to aid in further preventing work-related accidents. Providing a framework to improve conditions and employee safety in the workplace, the new standard is centred around the idea of reducing possible risks. The standard follows…

Electronic Safety Logbooks for Mining Organisations

Electronic Safety Logbooks provide the best way for keeping safe records of all your industrial equipment. Pre-shift inspections and logbooks ensure timely, accurate accounts of safety inspections and deficiencies detected before operating any type of heavy equipment or industrial vehicle. They are fundamental in monitoring performance over time against similar equipment, giving the possibility for…

ISO 14971 Improves Medical Device Inspection

ISO 14971, otherwise known as the standard for Medical Devices – Application of Risk Management to Medical Devices has recently been updated. This greatly improves the power and guidance for medical device inspection, something that is key to maintaining the usefulness and getting the best out of medical devices. ISO 14971 complements ISO/TR 24971, Medical…

Inspection Software for Marine Surveyors

Inspection software for Marine Surveyors provides numerous benefits and practicality. Marine surveyors are essential for the ongoing maintenance and safety for vessels, employees, equipment and the vessels means of use. Through ongoing inspections and vessel surveillance it can assure that safety standards are met and cost effectiveness is achieved. Surveillance reports typically include surveillance of…

Manufacturing Processes and Inspections using Paperless Checklists

Manufacturing is the cornerstone of the industrial world, providing materials and/or products for virtually every industry. With advancements in technology and methodology, it is little surprise that manufacturing processes and inspections need the best management systems. Until recently, the regular paper checklist was the assumed tool for management and inspection of all forms, audit, QA,…

Paperless forms allow HVAC Inspections to Go Digital

Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) inspections are increasingly going mobile, contributing to higher efficiency and productivity as well as faster access to information in the field. Paperless and mobile forms have become a vital tool. Paperless and mobile forms have become an important component of performing HVAC servicing and repairs with a tablet or…