Proper inspection for modern technology is vital; new tech requires thorough management. To ensure that solar panel installations are properly set up and functioning like they should, businesses are commonly choosing paperless inspection solutions
Paper checklists are often out-of-date and slow to complete and process in comparison to their electronic successor. Using swathes of paper for inspecting a purposely environmentally friendly installation is not only a tedious process, but ironic in itself. Moving to paperless inspection solutions using mobile devices gives inspectors, managers and organisations a wealthy list of benefits, as well as improving their overall performance.
The inspection of solar panel installations has certain requirements and set methods, based on industry and government regulations or because of the equipment itself. This is where mobile devices really show their power as an inspection tool. Often such installations are located in difficult areas to get to, which make offline recording capabilities and GPS timestamps very useful. Likewise the familiar touchscreen input or speech-to-text services – now available on smartphones and tablets, become a useful method of recording data whilst in awkward inspection positions. Sifting through lengthy manuals and booklets is also eliminated, thanks to the ability to attach specific excerpts of reference material to specific checklist parts, this being a manual, past inspection or any other useful information.