Contemporary festivals and music performances are a result of effective organisation and supervision, through music event inspections. High-end equipment and intricate procedures require careful management, inspection and oversight. This is not only for the part of the event that the consumer experiences, but also everything that happens backstage and surrounding the event in logistics before, during and after the event. Digital music event inspections is the leading way forward today.

With music events having a designated time-slot and often requiring a quick turnaround, automating inspections provides numerous benefits. Music event inspections can be quick and effective, whilst still ensuring the highest degree of conformity. Digital or paperless inspection applications on mobile devices provide a dynamic and versatile way to carry out inspections. Carrying printed inspection paper forms delivers several hurdles; notably the time spent completing them, their rigid composition and the fact that they need to be physically stored before, during and after an event. Going paperless removes the time-consuming and constraining nature of printed forms, improving productivity. When safety is an absolute priority for the organisers, digital inspection simplifies the compliance and audit process for any music event host. With numerous checks needed, any music invent inspector can conduct all of these on one application, drastically reducing the time taken to demonstrate adequate procedures for incidents and finding potential loopholes.