Organisations across various sectors, big and small, are increasingly analysing their effect on the world around them through digital environmental inspection.

The effect that any business has on the local surroundings has a profound impact on their sustainability as well as their appeal to today’s customers. It has been increasingly shown that millennials and generation Z in particular tend to choose organisations that are eco-conscious where possible. This is leading many different businesses to value the power of digital environmental inspection more and more. Today, the leading way to check your carbon footprint is to carry out operational reviews in terms of activities and resources and keeping track of these over time. By doing so, it becomes possible to analyse the progress that is being made to a sustainable future.
The most dynamic way to inspect the sustainability effort of an organisation is through digital environmental inspection. This can of course often also mean what the organisation is doing through digital, but chiefly represents a way of monitoring what a business does to stay as green as possible through a digital inspection solution. Paperless inspection solutions, besides the obvious choice of not operating on paper, can be updated frequently, used by several users and reduce the inspection time. By integrating the features of mobile devices in the form of tablets and smartphones available today, inspectors can take photos of environmental issues, record safety problems via speech-to-text services or fill out standardised response forms regarding site cleanliness in an instant. Using these tools not only increases the efficiency of reporting, but it heightens the value of the data recorded. Take for example an inspection of a piece of machinery leaking oil. A pen and paper inspection would record the leak and potentially where it is coming from. A digital inspection could make lengthy notes through recordings, include images of the oil leak severity and location as well as instantly notify both maintenance and cleaning teams of the issue. The turnaround of the oil problem becomes vastly reduced as the information gets shared quicker, leading to replacement parts being ordered earlier, and often the issue attended to faster (often also better).