BLE and Asset Inspection Management

Before the age of mobile technology, asset management was both difficult and cumbersome, today that doesn’t have to be the case; thanks to BLE and asset inspection management. BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) technology has ventured into both consumer and business sectors, with innovative and highly beneficial use cases. Mobile technology in the form of smartphones…

Environmental Impact Inspection

In an age where all organisations and businesses are being scrutinised for how ‘green’ they operate, it is important not to forget environmental impact inspection. What may sound like a trivial endeavour is actually a sure way to ensure that you are minimising the negative impacts on your environment locally, and further up and down…

Digital Risk Management with Paperless

For any organisation, large or small, digital risk management can ensure that nothing gets left un-assessed. Whatever the industry field or sector, operating facilities, and workplace environments present numerous risks. Both employees and customers deserve a thorough risk assessment that covers all the modern equipment, supply chains and methods used today. In an age where…