Recording Safety with Digital Solutions

In many sectors and fields, organisations and businesses are using digital inspection platforms to inspect and recording safety checks in their facility or operation. But some organisations and businesses are using the same inspection solution to carry out other types of inspection and other types of checks. Among these are those that record safety procedures,…

Five Reasons why you should Implement Digital Methods in Inspection

Business after business is moving online, so why shouldn’t you implement digital? In this post we explore the reasons why an increasing amount of businesses are choosing to implement digital methods in inspection. Paperless checklists are already currently being used for occupational health and safety (OHS), facility management, asset maintenance, quality assurance, compliance and CMMS/work…

Digital Australian Standards Checklist on Smartphones

Digital Australian Standards checklist on smartphones is now possible thanks to the continuous upgrades in mobile technology. This had enabled workers to perform numerous tasks and activities more efficiently by providing them the mobility to access important documents whenever needed while in the field. Australian standards and regulations are continuously being introduced and updated to…

Why Implementing CMMS can Work Wonders for Business Efficiency

Choosing to move to go digital revolves around selecting the right computerised maintenance management system (CMMS). Many companies are aspiring to go digital, taking their methods and processes paperless. But often they lack the expertise, knowledge or systems to carry out the change. This is why most businesses operating across various industries are choosing paperless…

Why a CMMS can Transform the Way you Work

A true, well set-up CMMS can transform the way you work. Today the workplace is all about how you can integrate digital into what your organisation does. Big or small, the changes that you make can have a lasting impact on the profitability and proficiency of your operations. Many businesses are discovering how a CMMS…

CMMS Software for Hospitals

CMMS Software for hospitals has been effectively used to maintain equipment and comply with legislative regulations. Given the size of hospitals, there are multiple assets to track, which means that a paper-based maintenance management system is unlikely to be the most cost effective and efficient option. Such a system would require costly filing and scheduled…