As the seasons shift towards winter, its important to recognise that there can be different requirements of your day-to-day operations.
Whilst many organisations operate out of office buildings, there are usually assets and equipment that have to withstand colder temperatures and inclement weather. For this reason, its important to understand how to adapt to colder periods in your inspections. The top way that businesses are easily shifting over to winter inspection checklists is using paperless inspection solutions. Compliance with regulations such as ISO 2810, 4665 or 15110 that guide how materials should be prepared and maintained to withstand weathering.
Paperless inspection solutions allow inspectors to make use of a mobile device and its features to record data in different ways possible to the inspector using pen and paper. Smartphone or tablet functions such as the camera and touchscreen can be used to record visual information rather than relying on written descriptions. This is particularly useful in winter inspections as recordings can be made against previous inspections in a similar time period (also made possible thanks to integrated GPS timestamps) and hence the wear and tear of assets or machinery can be judged. By taking photos, the use of equipment can be demonstrated more clearly, alongside the obvious benefits of tracking degradation or material faults. This can then be tracked on the life-cycle tracking of assets – something available on many premium paperless inspection solutions today. Life-cycle tracking is available for all reports, maintenance and compliance, from cradle to grave.