Sometimes it’s the simple things that make a big difference on safety. Signs for road traffic or pedestrians, for workers in factories or visitors of stores, all share the same purpose – to advise of safety issues or hazards. It sounds simplistic, but incorrect or inadequate signs are the cause of numerous incidents, accidents and deaths across Australia and New Zealand every year.

What’s one thing that you can do to ensure that your facility, business, or organisation is not actively contributing to that? Signage inspection using digital solutions. Today, organisations across industries and fields are choosing paperless solutions in the form of inspection applications as their tool for inspecting signs. Whether that’s a sign for aircraft whilst taxiing, a sign for vehicles to slow down for an oncoming bend or a sign to use PPE in a factory, the sign is vital to ensuring safety. All signs, regardless of shape and size deserve proper inspection. For today’s society and workplace, that means inspection via digital means.
Digital inspection can mean different things depending on the type of inspection you are carrying out. Usually, signage inspection is carried out to check whether a sign or informational display conforms to expectations and is fit for its purpose. This can be typified via an International Organization for Standards (ISO) or Australian Standards (AS) standard or a piece of national regulation. Checklists or inspection reports can often be designed to specifically fit to these regulations and standards and easily demonstrate compliance. Once an inspection is completed with these checklists, the data can be transferred to the system, which with a passed inspection instantly proves compliance with standards such as AS 1742.1:2021 – ‘Manual of uniform traffic control devices, Part 1: General introduction and index of signs’.