Ladder inspection should be conducted periodically to ensure that the ladder is safe to work on for all employees. Ladders have become very important in our working environment. As per Australian Standard for portable and fixed ladders (AS-1892), safety is paramount

A ladder inspection can and will prevent injury to you and the people around you and comply with OH&S legislations. All ladders should be inspected at regular intervals when not in use and preferably a visual safety inspection before each episode of use.
Over a period of time, ladders will be worn or damaged and becoming safety hazards to employees who working in heights. Ladder inspection in regular scheduled intervals will identify any safety hazards, and will allow the ladders hazards to be rectified and repaired. Statistics from the United States and Australia relating to injuries that have been caused by ladders have shown that:
- More than 90,000 people receive emergency room treatment for ladder-related injuries every year in the USA.
- Elevated falls account for over 500 occupational deaths annually
- Over the last 10 years the amount of ladder-related injuries has increased by 50%
- The most common type of ladder-related injury, accounting for 32%, is fractures
Digital recording of ladder inspections is fast and effective method of managing the inspections and ensuring ladders are safe within the work environment. By identifying hazards you ultimately providing the workplace with a safe environment protecting the wellbeing of your employees, reducing cost and downtime (e.g medical bills, insurance premiums etc.) and also saving paper.