Energy Management is an important aspect of operations for any organisation or business. Being a raw need to power equipment, facilities and activities, energy is the lifeblood that makes most organisations able to carry out their operations.
Mastering the efficiency through energy management is the key driver to keeping costs from being any higher than they need to be, as well as not unnecessarily contributing to the use of energy from unsustainable sources. To this end, organisations are increasingly today turning to energy management systems (EnMS) to save costs and establish greater benefits for many across their organisation. As a further step within their EnMS to enhance speed and effectiveness, many organisations are also implementing paperless inspection methods to monitor how their EnMS is performing, to supply data for analysis and also keep their operations energy efficient.
ISO 50009, the new standard from the International Organization for Standards (ISO), titled ‘Energy management systems – Guidance for implementing a common energy management system in multiple organizations’, aims to bring energy efficiency to all. As energy represents a common commodity across industry sectors, there are many ways that energy use can be made more efficient by taking simple broad actions. On the other hand, certain uses of energy are extremely tailored to certain sectors or organisations, which requires a very specific process to streamline the energy usage. This is where digital inspection solutions come in as a trusted companion to an EnMS. By providing tangible data for the system to process and analyse, as well as recording historical images of recordings, operational setups or values from measuring devices, digital inspections can provide a variety of information for an EnMS. With the inspections and checklists being digital there is always an opportunity to amend them, update to new versions or implement new standards into the inspection approach.