Considering the fast-changing environment that we live in today, it can be important for businesses and organisations to consider climate impact inspection. The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference or commonly referred to as COP26, highlighted the important of large and small stakeholders working together to reach a common goal. Within business, it has become easy for several organisations to conduct ‘Greenwashing’ – a covering of their actions to make them appear more environmentally friendly than they really are. For consumers whether an individual or corporate, it is fundamental that organisations can conduct and demonstrate true climate compliance and best practice. How are organisations demonstrating this today? With the help of digital inspection.

Climate impact inspection is not only about finding results that you want to see and being able to display them to other parties. Thorough climate impact inspection seeks flaws and areas of improvement. To do this, it is important that the inspection equipment and methodology stands up well to modern industry standards and technology; the dated pen and paper inspection method is rapidly becoming an outdated inspection tool. Many businesses across various industries sectors are therefore choosing to use digital inspection methods to conduct their climate impact inspection. By pairing a mobile device with a digital checklist, they can let inspection personnel conduct a thorough check and audit of all activities in line with industry standards or best practice goals.
Mobile devices paired with paperless inspection applications are ideal for climate impact inspection. By integrating industry standards into the digital checklist, it becomes easy to demonstrate compliance with climate policies or regulations. The paperless checklist can often be constructed into subparts with specific pass/fail checks or points requiring additional input. The standardised responses can speed up monotonous and quick sections whilst those requiring more detail can be set up to allow for attaching images and other annotations. This can be done via using the mobile device camera, just as the image can then be annotated and edited using the touchscreen. For climate performance data directly from machinery or other information, the camera can often also be used to scan barcodes/RFID. One of the benefits that is particularly useful to climate impact inspection is the attachment of reference material to checklists. This can be broken down into checklist subparts, so that each section can have an industry guideline excerpt or machinery manual outtake. No longer do inspectors need to carry round large manuals or anything to operate machinery, but everything can be attached to the checklist electronically.