Digital Farming Inspections

The agricultural sector may seem like something that will remain resistant to change, but leading organisations are now implementing digital farming inspections to take the next step. In an era where the room for error and competitive advantages are slimmer than ever, digital farming inspections provide a way to work with data to move forward.…

Paperless Inspection with Standards Australia

For many organisations and businesses that operate within or with Australia, there are two organisations that are key for regulations- the ISO (International Organization for Standards) and Standards Australia. Across industry fields and sectors, these two organisations dominate the regulations and standards that many businesses and organisations should follow in the name of best practice…

The Future of Healthcare Inspection

As one of the most advanced and important sectors in society, the medical field demands proper healthcare inspection to perform at its optimum. But as technology and methods to provide medical attention improve and advance, there is an obvious pressure on the inspection methods having a need to improve. In some medical facilities, inspectors are…

Seasonal Facility Inspection with Digital

As the seasons change, there are certain facilities, assets or operations that will stop being used or start their use – today organisations are managing these with seasonal facility inspection. Whether you are operating a tourist marine business, or are taking out equipment for a harvest, seasonal facility inspection is how you keep control and…

BLE and Asset Inspection Management

Before the age of mobile technology, asset management was both difficult and cumbersome, today that doesn’t have to be the case; thanks to BLE and asset inspection management. BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) technology has ventured into both consumer and business sectors, with innovative and highly beneficial use cases. Mobile technology in the form of smartphones…

Paperless Workplace Safety Inspection

Across industry sectors and operational fields, workplace safety inspection is paramount to ensuring your employees and staff can carry out their jobs effectively without getting hurt. Not only is it vital to strictly follow rules and guidance from a pure safety standpoint, but in order to ensure your organisation can carry out its activities to…

Environmental Impact Inspection

In an age where all organisations and businesses are being scrutinised for how ‘green’ they operate, it is important not to forget environmental impact inspection. What may sound like a trivial endeavour is actually a sure way to ensure that you are minimising the negative impacts on your environment locally, and further up and down…

Paperless Pre-Start Inspections

Paperless pre-start inspections are revolutionising the way that organisations and businesses manage the checks they undertake before engaging any piece of equipment or asset. Pre-start inspections can mean a wide variety of things; to a rental company it might be the checks you make before letting a customer drive away in the rental car; in…