Digital Swimming Pool Safety Inspection

As summer months approach, many businesses are re-evaluating how they can transform how they provide their seasonal services in a responsible but better way than the previous year. Swimming pool safety inspection is one of those areas where many managers assume that a quick check and scan of a swimming pool will do the trick.…

ISO 22095 Chain of Custody Management and Inspection

The International Organization for Standards (ISO) have recently developed a new standard for managing chain of custody, reducing risks and loss of time, as well as addressing conditions in production. ISO 22095 – ‘Chain of Custody – General Terminology and Models’, will aim to provide a common ground across business types and sectors for organisations…

ISO 19299 and Transport Systems Inspection

Even though several other businesses and industries are being forced to shut down, there are a few sectors that have to remain in operation regardless of a pandemic. Transport systems inspection is something that takes places as an essential audit of the structures that keep the roads, railway and runways safe across society. That’s why…

Waste Inspection and Digital Solutions

For many, the waste inspection industry is something that is gladly appreciated but never spoken about. Both sanitation and waste disposal are things that most people can take advantage of, but like any industry they require guidance, monitoring and proper organisation. For waste management organisations and sanitation businesses, waste inspection is the underlying process that…

Windfarm Inspection made easy using Paperless Inspection Solutions

Windfarm inspection is a crucial part of maintaining any wind energy installation. Turbines need regular checks for safety, performance and ensuring that they comply with national and international standards or regulations. Whether on or offshore, wind turbines are powerful structures that deserve powerful inspection solutions. As one of the often-hailed energy cornerstones of the future,…

Weather Inspection and Monitoring using Digital Checklists

Does your organisation undertake inspections of weather conditions in line with longer term monitoring? Whether you operate in agriculture or maritime, energy or leisure industries, weather is something that can greatly affect operations. Today it is possible to undertake digital weather inspection and monitoring using largely the same inspection platform that you may already use…

Product Packaging Inspection with Mobile Devices

Many organisations in various industries carry out some form of product packaging inspection; whether they are the producer of cardboard boxes or plastic wrapping, the product manufacturer or just a merchandiser. The fact of the matter is that along the product lifecycle before reaching the hands of a customer, the product likely moves from location…

Paperless and Rubber Inspection

Rubber inspection seems like something trivial that you may get your mechanic to do every so often. The fact of the matter is that rubber is a key ingredient in many organisations as a construction material, as part of machinery or even in the product being sold. 29 million tonnes of rubber is consumed around…