Keep Workers Safe by Separating People and Plant

In any industrial setting, the safety of employees is of paramount importance. Employers are always looking for ways to keep their employees safe while also maintaining production efficiency. In a workplace where mobile plant and machinery are in use, the risk of being hit by moving objects is always present. This includes accidents involving vehicles,…

The Many Benefits of Taking Inspection Paperless

You may be wondering what the benefits of taking inspection paperless are in a time governed by data flow and advancements in other technologies. It can seem like a trivial thing to take the business checks and organisational audits that you may carry out from pen and paper to an application. After all what is…

ISO 27001 and Information Security Management

ISO 27001 is the latest tool at the inspector’s disposal for management of information security and inspection within safe storage of sensitive data. The International Organization for Standards (ISO) has once again set the bar high in providing guidelines for businesses and organisations to monitor what protective measures they have for their information. In order…

BLE and Asset Inspection Management

Before the age of mobile technology, asset management was both difficult and cumbersome, today that doesn’t have to be the case; thanks to BLE and asset inspection management. BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) technology has ventured into both consumer and business sectors, with innovative and highly beneficial use cases. Mobile technology in the form of smartphones…

Climate Impact Inspection with Paperless

Considering the fast-changing environment that we live in today, it can be important for businesses and organisations to consider climate impact inspection. The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference or commonly referred to as COP26, highlighted the important of large and small stakeholders working together to reach a common goal. Within business, it has become…

Capturing Inspection Data with Voice Recognition

It’s safe to say that the days of pen and paper are being phased out. Once smartphones hit the mainstream consumer market, the adoption of the QWERTY keyboards into writing was unstoppable. For businesses, it can seem as though everything is shifting to digital and there is less and less paper around the office. Now…

Smarter Tech Requires Smart Inspection

As technology progresses, it becomes easy to quickly be out of date with systems, processes and knowledge. Organisations struggling with adapting to the changes in society, often forced upon us with the adoption of new tech; are turning to smart inspection to keep themselves up to date.