ISO 37301 Keeping on Top of Compliance

Dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s may be that long stage of business operations that seem to drag on for ever. With ISO 37301, that process will hopefully become both quicker and easier without sacrificing quality compliance. Any business needs to make sure that it is being thorough with all its operations, not the…

ISO 22095 Chain of Custody Management and Inspection

The International Organization for Standards (ISO) have recently developed a new standard for managing chain of custody, reducing risks and loss of time, as well as addressing conditions in production. ISO 22095 – ‘Chain of Custody – General Terminology and Models’, will aim to provide a common ground across business types and sectors for organisations…

Digital Naval Inspection Solutions for Marine Organisations

Within the Pacific Region, there are many organisations and businesses that in some way rely on naval inspection for transport, operations or resources. From fishermen to container shipping, the surrounding seas are full of diverse businesses. Whilst the vast majority of people are operating in line with industry regulations such as ISO 21984:2018, incidents and…

Winter Inspections using Paperless Applications

As the seasons shift towards winter, its important to recognise that there can be different requirements of your day-to-day operations. Whilst many organisations operate out of office buildings, there are usually assets and equipment that have to withstand colder temperatures and inclement weather. For this reason, its important to understand how to adapt to colder…