Business after business is moving online, so why shouldn’t you implement digital?
In this post we explore the reasons why an increasing amount of businesses are choosing to implement digital methods in inspection. Paperless checklists are already currently being used for occupational health and safety (OHS), facility management, asset maintenance, quality assurance, compliance and CMMS/work order.
Reasons for Digital Methods in Inspection:
1. Improved Productivity:
What bigger reason does a business need for going digital than a boost in efficiency? Supplementing workplace methods with digital methods in inspection improves your productivity by cutting down excess time, steps and expenditure. Savings across these categories ensures you’re spending less time fixing problems or going through tedious steps of outdated methods and can spend more time on keeping customers happy. More happy customers = higher profit. Less time, steps and expenditure = fewer costs. Higher profit + fewer costs, well nothing else needs to be said.
2. Working Smarter:
An increasing amount of technology, assets and facilities are becoming more and more integrated. Smart technology is being integrated in our homes and phones; there’s no reason this shouldn’t be the case at work. Machine learning is the future of powerful business technology, but even if you’re not quite at that stage yet, it pays to be working smarter. Using digital methods in inspection is an accessible tool that can start that process. Having a system in place that integrates well with business intelligence, can demonstrate compliance with industry regulations and give you better oversight of your operations is a no-brainer.
3. Higher Accuracy:
Inspections are often faulted for being out-of-date and not providing accurate information to people when needed the most. Paperless checklists through digital methods in inspection represent a quick-fire cure for both issues. Keep your business in line with any industry regulation; ISO 45001 for example, whilst enabling inspectors to record better data. Mobile devices allow you take pictures with the camera, scan barcodes of assets, record GPS timestamps, access any reference material, and give input via talking through speech-to-text. Try doing that with pen and paper.
4. Ease of Access:
Having to open the door to the dusty unorganised archive room when in need of simple or urgent information is not a good effective. Paperless inspection solutions have the benefit of compressing voluminous amounts of data onto the size of a back-end server or even better onto the cloud. Hosting via SaaS or using a private server with access via web-portals means anyone such as management, industry inspectors, or field personnel can have access to data. For up-to-date statistics in performance reviews or the last performance of assets in an inspection, access to the latest high quality data can transform your business on every level.
5. Future-Proof:
It’s important to make sure that your business or organisation is not only making sure your methods are the best they can be today, but that they’ll do so tomorrow and the day after that too. The best way to future-proofing your inspections is moving to digital methods in inspection. The majority of innovation close to implementation throughout the workplace is all focused about machines and smart technology. To ensure that your business can manage and integrate with them, inspections need to be paperless.