SME Inspections and Paperless Solutions 

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are the lifeblood of many local and national economies, often forgotten by legislators and living with small profit margins. For such organisations it becomes even more important to maximise the returns on the processes and methods they choose to implement in the workplace. Every detail is particularly important when the…

Breathing Easy Thanks to Digital Air Inspection

Across the world there are serious differences in the air quality that every human breathes. Whether it’s in the countryside or the suburbs, the city or at sea; the air that we breathe in and out can have serious consequences on short- and long-term health. Many building managers and OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) professionals…

Capturing Inspection Data with Voice Recognition

It’s safe to say that the days of pen and paper are being phased out. Once smartphones hit the mainstream consumer market, the adoption of the QWERTY keyboards into writing was unstoppable. For businesses, it can seem as though everything is shifting to digital and there is less and less paper around the office. Now…

Office and Workplace Inspection with Paperless Solutions

For many organisations and businesses, it is easy to forget about office and workplace inspection. In favour of serving the client and putting ‘business needs’ first, managers and building supervisors can sometimes put inspection of the actual working environment behind other priorities. Whilst this may be a short-term solution that ensures the customer is cared…

Paperless Inspection and Good Manufacturing Practice

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is a concept to ensure that any manufacturer is meeting a certain standard and quality, regardless of operating industry. By integrating a GMP checklist into your inspection process, you can be assured that the products coming out of your warehouse or shop are meeting the standards set by the industry. Performing…

Finding Defects with Digital Quality Control

Picture this; you want to realise why you are receiving customer complaints about defects in your product, but are still unable to capture the faulty items before they reach the selling stage. If that sounds familiar it may be because you aren’t implementing digital quality control; the leading method by most companies in identifying defects…

Container Inspection with Mobile Devices

Shipping containers underpin vast economic systems and globalisation, yet when it comes to container inspection, they are often forgotten. How can an object with such scope and reach be afforded outdated and insufficient inspection methods? Today many organisations and businesses who utilise, manufacture or transport shipping containers across the world are taking their container inspection…